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Lusitania sailed on May 1, 1915 from
New York bound for Liverpool. The sinking of the Lusitania was thought to have
made a major impact on America and WWI, but America did not join the war
for another two years.
the Lusitania had sailed from New
York, she had American civilians on board, and in 1915 America was neutral in WWI.
As she left New York, the dock was crowded with news reporters as New York
newspapers had carried an adverisement in them paid for by the German Embassy
that any ship that sailed into the "European War Zone" was a
potential target for German submarines. Some newspapers printed the warning
directly next to Cunard's list of departure dates.
of this, the Cunard liner was packed with passengers. Many had received an
anonymous telegram advising them not to travel but the ship was billed by Cunard
as the "fastest and largest steamer now in the Atlantic service" and
it was generally believed that the Lusitania had the power to outpace any ship
above or below the water. Many of the passengers came to the simple conclusion
that a luxury liner simply was not a legitimate target of the Germans as it had
no military value. Any passenger who had doubts was given further confidence
when many famous and rich people boarded. It was assumed that the likes of
multi-millionaire Alfred Vanderbilt and wine merchant George "Champagne
King" Kessler and the like would have had access to information from the
highest of sources to warn them if danger really did exist.
the 32,000 ton luxury liner left New York, the passengers turned their
attention to what the liner had to offer them as fee paying customers. One
female passenger said: “I don't think we thought of
war. It was too beautiful a passage to think of anything like war."
Lusitania crossed the half-way point
of her journey at night on May 4. Around this time, the U-20 appeared off the
Irish coast off the Old Head of Kinsdale. U-20 was captained by
Kapitän-leutnant Schwieger. In all, there were about 15 German U-boats in the
"European War Zone" - the zone that the Lusitania was about to move into. U-20 had left its base at Emden
on April 31, 1915. In its journey to the Atlantic it had attacked a Danish
merchant ship but let it go once its Danish flag had been spotted. An old
three-masted schooner was also attacked by U-20; its crew was allowed to escape
in their life rafts and then the schooner was sunk. But Schwieger did not
consider this 'action' as he and his crew would have appreciated.
6 brought better targets for U-20. Medium-sized liners called the Candidate and the Centurion were both attacked and sunk. Neither sinking led to any
casualties - though Schwieger had not given a warning to either ship. At 19.50
on May 6, the Lusitania received the
first of a number of warnings from the Admiralty about U-boat activity off the
south coast of Ireland. The crew went through a number of safety drills and
some watertight bulkheads were closed. But the night passed without further
next day, May 7, the Lusitania came
into sight of the Irish coast. The ship's captain, Captain Turner, became
concerned as he could see no other ship ahead of him - more especially, he was
concerned that he could see no protective naval ships. It was as if all other
ships had cleared the waters as a result of the Admiralty's warning.
13.40 on May 7, Turner could see the Old Head of Kinsdale - a well-known
sighting for any experienced sailor in the region. At around the same time, the
Lusitania was spotted by U-20. The first torpedo was fired at 14.09. At 14.10,
Schwieger noted in his log: "Shot hits starboard side right behind bridge. An unusually heavy
detonation follows with a strong explosion cloud..." Schwieger noted later "great confusion on board... they
must have lost their heads."
Lusitania took just 18 minutes to
sink. The speed and the angle of sinking made it extremely difficult to launch
the life boats and the first one that did get into the water spilled its
occupants into the sea.
1,198 passengers and crew drowned. 128 of them were Americans. There was
understandable anger throughout America and Great Britain.
But some questions
remained unanswered by those who condemned the attack:
- Why did the liner only
take 18 minutes to sink?
The log of U-20 stated clearly that the submarine had only fired one torpedo
and Schwieger stated that this was the case. His log also noted that the
torpedo caused an unusually large explosion.
- Why was a second
explosion seen if no second torpedo was fired? This second explosion
presumably sped up the whole process of the Lusitania sinking.
- With such a high profile
ship crossing the Atlantic and after warnings from the Germans and the
Admiralty, why were there no British naval boats in the vicinity to protect the
Lusitania? It
is thought that a second explosion occurred because the Lusitania was carrying something more than a liner should have been
carrying. In the hold of the Lusitania
were 4,200 cases of small arms ammunition - an insignificant quantity when
compared to the millions of bullets being used in each battle on the Western
Front. However, by carrying ammunition, the Lusitania
was carrying war contraband and she was therefore a legitimate target for the
German U-boat fleet in the Atlantic. The British propaganda machine went into
overdrive condemning the sinking as an act of piracy.
The Times referred to the sinking by condemning those who doubted
German brutality: "The hideous policy of indiscriminate brutality which has placed the German race outside of the pale. The only way to restore peace in the world, and to shatter the brutal menace, is to carry the war throughout the length and breadth of Germany. Unless Berlin is entered, all the blood which has been shed will have flowed in vain."
placate the Americans, the Germans gave an informal assurance to U.S. President
Wilson that there would be no repeat of the Lusitania
and the 'sink on sight' policy was called off on September 18, 1915 - though it
was re-introduced on February 1, 1917.
The Sinking of the Lusitania, 1915
Found at www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/lusitania.htm
It had been a very successful run. The German submarine U-20 had entered the Irish Sea on May 5 and now, the morning of May 7, the submarine claimed its third victim. The U-20 had only three torpedoes left in its arsenal and was low on fuel. As a result, Captain Walter Schwieger, the ship's commander, decided to steer for the open waters of the Atlantic and home. He was unaware that his greatest prize was steaming straight for him and that his actions that day would ultimately bring America into the war.
The Lusitania had left New York City on May 1 bound for Liverpool. On the afternoon of May 7 she was steaming off the coast of Ireland within easy sailing distance of her destination. Known as the "Greyhound of the Seas," the Lusitania was the fastest liner afloat and relied on her speed to defend against submarine attack. However, she was not running at full speed because of fog. Nor was the ship taking an evasive zigzag course. It was a sitting duck and was headed straight into the sights of the U-20.
The two ships converged at about 2 pm. After stalking his prey for an hour, Captain Schwieger unleashed one torpedo that hit its target amidships. The initial explosion was followed quickly by a second, more powerful, detonation. Within 20 minutes the great liner had slipped under the water, taking 1,198 victims with her. Among the dead were 138 Americans. Many in the United States were outraged. A declaration of war was narrowly averted when Germany vowed to cease her policy of unrestricted submarine warfare that allowed attacks on merchant ships without warning. However, American public opinion had turned against Germany and when she resurrected her unrestricted submarine warfare policy in February of 1917, America decided to go to war.
"Great confusion arose on the ship. . ."
Captain Schwieger kept a diary of the voyage. We join his story as he first catches sight of the Lusitania in the early afternoon of May 7, 1915:
2 pm ~ Straight ahead the 4 funnels and 3 masts of a steamer with a course at right angles to ours. . . Ship is made out to be a large passenger liner.
3:05 pm ~ Went to 11m and ran at high speed on a course converging with that of the steamer, in hopes that it would change course to starboard along the Irish Coast.
The steamer turned to starboard, headed for Queenstown and thus made it possible to approach for a shot. Ran at high speed till 3 pm in order to secure an advantageous position.
3:10 pm ~ Clear bow shot at 700 m. . . angle of intersection 90 [degrees] estimated speed 22 nautical miles.
A contemporary illustration of the
attack shows the Lusitania hit by
2 torpedoes. This was the
explanation at the time for the two
explosions and the rapid sinking
of the ship. |
Shot struck starboard side close behind the bridge. An extraordinary heavy detonation followed, with a very large cloud of smoke (far above the front funnel). A second explosion must have followed that of the torpedo (boiler or coal or powder?).
The superstructure above the point of impact and the bridge were torn apart; fire broke out; light smoke veiled the high bridge. The ship stopped immediately and quickly listed sharply to starboard, sinking deeper by the head at the same time.
Great confusion arose on the ship; some of the boats were swung clear and lowered into the water. Many people must have lost their heads; several boats loaded with people rushed downward, struck the water bow or stern first and filled at once.
On the port side, because of the sloping position, fewer boats were swung clear than on the starboard side.
The ship blew off steam; at the bow the name “Lusitania” in golden letters was visible. It was running 20 nautical miles.
3:25 pm ~ Since it seemed as if the steamer could only remain above water for a short time, went to 24m. and ran toward the Sea. Nor could I have fired a second torpedo into this swarm of people who were trying to save themselves.
4:15 pm ~ Went to 11m and took a look around. In the distance straight ahead a number of life-boats were moving; nothing more was to be seen of the Lusitania. The wreck must lie 14 nautical miles from the Old Head of Kinsale light-house, at an angle of 358 degrees to the right of it, in 90m of water (27 nautical miles from Queenstown) 51 degrees 22’ 6” N and 8 degrees 31’ W. The land and the lighthouse could be seen very plainly.
4:20 pm ~ When taking a look around, a large steamer was in sight ahead on the port side, with course laid for Fastnet Rock. Tried to get ahead at high speed, so as to get a stern shot. . .
5:08 pm ~ Conditions for shot very favorable: no possibility of missing if torpedo kept its course. Torpedo did not strike. Since the telescope was cut off for some time after this shot the cause of failure could not be determined. . . The steamer or freighter was of the Cunard Line.
6:15 pm ~ . . . It is remarkable that there is so much traffic on this particular day, although two large steamers were sunk the day before south of George’s Channel. It is also inexplicable that the Lusitania was not sent through the North Channel."
Walter Schwieger’s diary is part of the collection of the National Archives: Record Group 45: Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library, 1691 – 1945. Other references: Hickey, Des & Smith, Gus, Seven Days to Disaster (1982); Simpson, Colin, The Lusitania (1972).